Overview of Your Prenatal Care

NOB (New OB) Visit:

You will have an ultrasound scheduled to confirm the health of your pregnancy and to determine your estimated due date. Your due date is calculated either 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period or is based on your early ultrasound results. You will meet with a WomanCare provider for a physical examination and any necessary laboratory tests, including a pap smear and cervical culture.

We will review with you a variety of different educational topics, as well as answer any questions or concerns you may have pertaining to your pregnancy. Some of these topics will include:

  • Genetic testing, carrier screen
  • How to minimize nausea and vomiting
  • Sex during pregnancy
  • What can I do to minimize constipation
  • When is it appropriate to travel
  • What over-the-counter medications can I take
  • How do I know when to call the doctor

You will also be offered to schedule an appointment to meet with our Nutritionist. She will discuss a healthy diet plan for you throughout your pregnancy and how to meet your caloric intake requirements for both you and your baby. She will discuss what foods you are to avoid and what foods you need to consume more of throughout your pregnancy.

Second Visit:

You will have an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy is progressing normally. This is most likely when genetic testing will be done through bloodwork. You will meet with one of the obstetricians or midwives.

Third Visit

Most likely we will be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat with a doppler. It is during this visit that you will have your standard prenatal lab work. You will meet with one of the obstetricians or midwives. Your subsequent visits will be scheduled every 4 weeks until approximately 28 weeks; every 2 weeks from 30 weeks to 36 weeks; and then every week until you deliver. At every visit we will weigh you, take your B/P and ask for a small urine sample to evaluate you for any glucose or protein in your urine.

Tests and Screenings during these weeks will include the following:

  • 12 – 14 Weeks: Non Invasive Cell Free DNA blood test
  • 16 – 19 Weeks: Routine prenatal lab work
  • 20 – 22 Weeks: Ultrasound to evaluate the fetal anatomy and growth.
  • 26 – 28 Weeks: Gestational Diabetes Screening. The state of Illinois requires a second RPR and HIV test, which we do at this time along with a CBC for anemia screening
  • 28 Weeks: If you are RH negative: Antibody Screen and Rhogam
  • 30 – 32 Weeks: Ultrasound to evaluate the growth of the baby and position.
  • 36-37 Weeks: Group B Beta Strep culture.


Six week check-up

This publication is intended as a reference only and not as medical advice. The information that is provided herein is designed to help inform you with regard to your pregnancy. Your health care provider does not intend it to be used as a substitute for treatment, advice or recommendations.
If you have any questions, please call a WomanCare office that you visit. Or visit our contact page to leave us a message.
If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately.

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Arlington Heights Office

1051 West Rand Road Suite 101
Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Buffalo Grove Office

15 S. McHenry Rd, 4th Floor,
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089

Schaumburg Office

1051 Perimeter Dr, Suite 150,
Schaumburg, IL 60173

Kildeer Office

21481 N Rand Rd, 2nd Floor,
Kildeer, IL 60047