5 Important Reasons to Visit the OBGYN Every Year

Women’s health care is incredibly important, and that’s why there are some of the best OBGYNs out there to help women with their specific health care needs. While there is no one reason to see a gynecologist, there are certain circumstances that certainly warrant a visit.

Breast health screening services

Breast exams are most commonly recommended for women over the age of 40. However, if you have a history of breast cancer in your family, earlier breast exams are recommended. According to cancer.org, 67% of women over 40 in the United States get breast exams. That means that more than 30% of women over 40 are not getting these essential health screenings. Early indication is crucial for survival when it comes to breast cancer.

Birth control

The best OBGYNs can provide significant expertise when it comes to birth control. Technology is always changing and advancing, and there might be a new and better method available since your last annual exam. If you’re using a prescribed method of birth control, like a shot, IUDs, pills, a patch, etc., then you should have the annual exam.


Once you conceive a child, you will be visiting your OBGYN on a relatively regular basis. Obstetricians, or baby deliverers, are an essential part of the pregnancy process. However, according to a recent study, 65% of American women seek medical care from multiple providers. You’re running the risk of losing medical data or losing the physician/patient relationship when you change medical providers throughout your pregnancy.


If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while, and it’s not working, you might be experiencing infertility. While this condition is hard to handle, the best OBGYNs are there to help. Nearly 44% of women with infertility have sought some medical assistance. OF those who seek medical intervention, roughly 65% give birth.

Overall physical health

As mentioned previously, annual checkups with your OBGYN are incredibly important. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists strongly urges women to start seeing their OBGYN annually at ages 13-15. In short, you should go to your OBGYN on a regular basis. If something is wrong with your body and you don’t know about it, a checkup with your OBGYN could make a huge difference.

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